Reģionālās attīstības atbalsta centrs "Ritums"


Jauniešu kultūras apmaiņas projekts Rumānijā

projekts "Fighting Powerty...Step by step"

Rumānija, Baia Mare Tā ir iespēja pārbaudīt savus spēkus angļu valodas pielietošanā, rēķinoties ar draudzīgu atbalstu no apkārtējiem; iespēja diskutēt par jauniešu  vērtību atšķirībām, neaizskarot neviena cieņu un jūtas; iespēja realitātē iepazīties ar svešām zemēm un kultūrām; iespēja iegūt jaunus draugus un domubiedrus; iespēja iepazīt brīnišķīgas brīvā laika pavadīšanas metodes - neformālās izglītības metodes. 
 Šoreiz jauniešu kultūras apmaiņas projekts ( Eiropas Komisijas programma "'Jaunatne darbībā";) no 10. - 19. augustam notiek pie Ungārijas robežas Baia Mare pilsētā.  Projektā piedalīsies 20 dalībnieki un 5 līderi no Rumānijas, Latvijas, Turcijas  un Itālijas. 
       Dalībniekam ir jāsedz tikai 30%  no ceļa izdevumiem, bet visa uzturēšanās un ēdināšana tiek segta no projekta līdzekļiem. 

                The project Fighting Poverty… Step by Step organized by Team for Youth Association in cooperation with other 4 partners from Europe is a multilateral youth exchange that will bring together youngsters from different countries with the main goal of raising awareness towards poverty through dance activities. A number of 20 youngsters accompanied by 5 group leaders will meet and will share artistic and cultural experience, performing for the others.

The entire project sets as general objectives the following:

To bring together in a project a number of 20 youngsters and 5 leaders from different countries by engaging them in the preparation of the activities that focus on a common interest: rising awareness towards poverty through dance;

To enhance the feeling the one cannot ignore that part of the society struggling with poverty, for a number of 25 participants, by involving them in discussions, workshops and activities that will focus on causes of poverty and solutions for fighting it;    To promote the fight against poverty in the local community, by inviting people to the final artistic performance during which the participants will show through dance some of the solutions they found for fighting poverty.

For a little longer than a week, between 10 and 18 August, the participants will be hosted in a small city in Northern Romania, where they will be trained and will perform for a community that has rather few opportunities of meeting cultures from all parts of Europe in an artistic event. The trainings and workshops will take place in Baia Mare and will be led by a local renowned dance instructor. By combining different dance styles all youngsters will engage actively in the realization of a final street show that will allow the participants to express their ideas, impressions, visions and feelings about different ways of fighting poverty.